Stock donations: If the shares are held at a securities firm or other brokerage account, instruct your broker to transfer the shares to the Neumann University Endowment Portfolio – Stock Donation Account:

SEI Private Trust Company
DTC Participant Number: 2039 Agent Internal Account Number: 11102-C
Interested Party A/C#: 210067-STK

Instruct your broker to enter identifying information (i.e., your name and address, phone number, account number, broker information) into the "Text Comment" field of the DTC screen.

Mutual Funds (not DTC eligible) If you would like to transfer shares of mutual funds, please contact [Neumann University or SEI Representative] as those investments will require unique transfer instructions.

ACH Transfers
Please contact University Advancement at (610) 558-5513 to make an ACH transfer.

Questions? Need Assistance?
Please contact the University Advancement Office at 610-558-5513.