From a Sports Perspective...

Published on: Apr 8, 2020 11:52:54 AM

isscdHindsight is “20/20”

Some may say that the year 2020 has not started off as strong as we would have liked but there is still hope.  There is no question that we are living in a new reality.  I don’t think we were ever truly prepared for this type of situation. Almost everyone is working from home, except for those in the medical fields, emergency responders, and essential businesses, and students are adjusting to online learning.  This situation may not be ideal but, it is truly necessary in order to slow down the spread of the Covid-19 virus.  Sure, while under the stay-at-home order, being home working/studying remotely has its benefits such as: maybe spending more time with family, saving money on travel costs, or having some more additional time to do things you kept pushing back, etc.  These are all great things but, I am also sure with being confined at home comes distractions.

Distractions are inevitable in almost everything we do.  Athletes can relate as they encounter distractions in the simplest forms during a practice or working out in the gym and sometimes even during competition.   These distractions are no different from the distractions we face today in our current situation. From my own experience, I know that I love to spend time with my family but, in some moments I wish I was back in my office lol.  In fact, I am reminded of Jesus’ many trials, more in particular, in the desert which we heard in the Gospel according to Matthew 4: 1-11 on the first Sunday of Lent. During the 40 days and nights in the desert, Jesus faced a few obstacles as Satan tempted and distracted Him with food, an easy way out of the desert, and power.

Our 40 days of fasting during Lent are symbolic of Jesus’ 40 days and nights spent in the desert.  I believe it is divine intervention that we encounter distractions throughout Lent.  During Lent, we are called to sacrifice certain things or do some more positive things, but sometimes we fall off of our path. We lose our focus just like an athlete loses focus during practice, in the gym, or during a game.  Jesus was on a mission determined for our salvation and He did not allow those distractions to interrupt his focus.  So, how can we be more like Christ?

Well, for one, we can call on God to help us overcome our struggles and distractions.  Two, we need to create a focus so strong that we do not lose sight of our goals.  Believe it or not, we are more prepared than we think we are to battle distractions and obstacles in our lives.  Whether it has been our athletic careers and/or this Lenten season, our prior experiences are our best teachers.

Hindsight of this current situation is 20/20 as we will be more prepared as time goes on and if we ever have to face something similar in the future (God forbid).  As we are in our last week of Lent, we can look at this unusual time in our lives as an extended Lenten season.  We do not know how much longer this quarantine and stay-at-home order will last but, we can take this time to better ourselves as we all know we will have time inside our homes.  As you reflect on your Lenten season, ask yourself: Where did you fall and how can you improve?  How can we continue to become the best versions of ourselves?  What are you focused on?  What are you facing right now and how are you welcoming God into your life to help you overcome it?

To aid you and your athletes, here is some additional advice you may find helpful:

  • treat each day like a regular work/school day
  • act like you are going to work/class at that specific time and specific day
  • set goals
  • create a routine/schedule for yourself for each day and use a planner
  • create time to build your faith and pray
  • identify a group of people who can support you/be supportive
  • contact your coach, teammates, team chaplain
  • create the right attitude, mindset, and expectations
  • journal and/or self-reflection
  • get some fresh air and stay active
  • the 20-20-20 Rule (every 20 minutes, take a 20 second break and look 20 feet away from your screen)
  • isolation tips from an astronaut

(taken from )

Marco Sifoni

About The Author:Marco is the Coordinator for Institutional Programming in the Institute for Sport, Spirituality and Character Development. He also serves as Club Men's Basketball Team Chaplain.





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