Students: Submit Your Manuscripts (Research Papers)


Catalyst: Neumann University Journal of Student Research and Academic Scholarship is seeking submissions of manuscripts for our next issue!

All current Neumann University undergraduates who have been accepted into a major and all current graduate students are welcome to submit.*

. The journal welcomes the following types of manuscripts:

  • Empirical Research Studies:  A research paper that reports the results of a study, using data coming from actual observation or experimentation. It also contains interpretations and implications of the data.
  • Action-Based Research Papers: A research paper that serves as a study of attempts to improve educational (or other) practices by groups of participants through their own practical actions and through their own reflection upon the effects and success of those actions. All participants are knowing members and the goal is to improve classroom teaching (or other practical work).
  • Comprehensive Literature Reviews: A research paper providing insight and analysis of the important points of current knowledge and research on a particular topic. Literature reviews are secondary sources and do not report any new or original experimental work.
  • Meta-analysis Papers: A research paper that compares and contrasts the findings of multiple studies on the same topic. It will contain implications for practice, policy, and/or future research.
  • Conceptual Papers: A research paper that addresses an issue, and proposes a response with the support of relevant research literature. These types of papers are similar to writing an essay.
  • Secondary Data Analysis Papers: A research paper that uses the data from another published study to answer and support a research question. It will contain a support literature review and highlight implications.

Why should you submit a manuscript to Catalyst ?

Gain authentic experience with the peer-review publication process and hone your disciplinary writing skills. If you are interested in showcasing your work, applying to graduate school or even a future career in research, this is for you!

Reach a broader audience for your writing: your Neumann University peers, faculty, and readers online.

Share your work to contribute to our academic community and demonstrate our RISES values.

The deadline for submissions to be considered for the Fall 2024 issue is May 15, 2024.

How long should the abstract be? 100-200 words

How long should the final article be? If your abstract is accepted, the  word count guidelines are 2000-3000 words for undergraduate manuscripts and 3000-5000 words for graduate manuscripts (not including references). 

Who can submit? All Neumann University undergraduate and graduate students. You must be a current student at the time of submission, however your work may be accepted for a forthcoming issue published after you complete your degree program.

Have an idea but need help? Contact any of your instructors (past or present) and see if you can turn one of your past assignment into a research article. 

Upcoming Publication Schedule

Fall 2024 Issue

May 15, 2024: Initial Submission Deadline

June 15, 2024: Reviewer Comments Provided to Submitters

July 15, 2024: Manuscript Revisions Due, Editorial Board Final Review

August 30, 2024: Final Manuscripts Due