Biological Science

Bio/CLS Track


Year of Graduation
Graduation Rates*
ASCP MLS Exam Pass Rate**
50% (1/2 students)
100% (2/2 students)
50% (1/2 students)
100% (spring only)
100% (spring only)

*Calculated from the number of individuals who enter the major with 60 units complete
**Based on those that graduated in the previous 12 months
***Within 3 months of graduation

Biology/CLS Mission

In accordance with the Mission of Neumann University and the School of Arts and Sciences, it is the mission of the Biology/Clinical Laboratory Science track to:

  1. Provide excellent undergraduate professional education in Clinical Laboratory Science that is founded on the core values of St. Francis of Assisi.
  2. Foster life-long learning by encouraging the importance of continuing professional education.
  3. Encourage service to others through contributions to workshops and public health care forums.

The primary goal of the Biology/CLS track is to provide excellent undergraduate professional education in clinical laboratory science.

The program goals are to:

  1. Provide students with a broad educational background by using a variety of resources and experiences.
  2. Provide a comprehensive undergraduate curriculum based on current trends.
  3. Maintain the level of quality of instruction in the clinical laboratory science courses by including the latest in technological advances.
  4. Develop in students the professional attitudes and ethics required of a clinical laboratory scientist.
  5. Educate the students on the merits of continuing professional education.
  6. Provide the region served by the program with graduate clinical laboratory scientists who can function at career entry levels and who can assume leadership roles as health professionals.

Additional program information

For additional information, please call the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid, which coordinates the admission of all students, at (610) 558-5616 or (800) 9-NEUMANN or feel free to e-mail us at