Health Requirements

FOR NEW STUDENTS - All first year and transfer students must submit a completed physical form with an up-to-date Immunization record by August 1, 2024.

Physicals done within the last 12 months are acceptable. Student Health Services and Athletics utilize the same forms so only 1 physical is needed. Please provide both offices a copy of physical form if you are an athlete.

Health Forms are due
August 1, 2024

Student Physical and Health History Form (DOC)


FULLY ON-LINE STUDENTS: Physical Exam Forms & Immunization Forms are required if you will be physically on the Neumann University Campus at any point in your educational experience.

GRADUATE STUDENTS: Physical Exam Forms & Immunization Forms are required if you will be physically on the Neumann University Campus for any class or activity. If your education activity is strictly on-line, these forms are not required.

Please contact Student Health Services at 610-558-5540if you have any questions.

Required Immunizations:

Measles, Mumps, Rubella(MMR) – 2 doses required

Tuberculosis Testing(PPD) – required within one year of admission.

Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis(TDAP) – booster must be within last 10 years

Hepatitis B– 3 doses required

Varicella(chicken pox) – 2 doses required or date of disease

Meningitis Vaccine– 2 doses

VACCINATION EXEMPTIONS: Deadline to submit August 1, 2024. Neumann University follows the American College Health Association (ACHA), the Pennsylvania State Mandatory Vaccination Code, and the CDC’s recommendations for immunization compliance guidelines. For the safety of all students, immunizations are mandatory. Students may be exempted from the immunization requirements if there is a medical contraindication or if the student’s religion prohibits immunizations. Per Pennsylvania State Mandatory Vaccination Code, students may request the following vaccination exemptions:

  1. Medical exemption: To obtain a medical exemption, students must submit a signed statement indicating specific medical contraindication from a Medical Doctor (MD), Doctor of Osteopath (DO), Nurse Practitioner (NP), or a Physician, Assistant (PA). The statement must indicate why each required vaccine is medically contraindicated. Please email the medical exemption documentation to for review.
  2. Religious exemption: To obtain a religious exemption, students must submit a signed statement from a clergy member describing the student’s religious beliefs and why those beliefs prohibit the required vaccination. Please email the religious exemption letter to for review.